
Get an employer identification number Internal Revenue Service

ein number meaning

It’s helpful to apply for one as soon as you start planning your business. This will ensure there are no delays in getting the appropriate licenses or financing that you may need to operate. Essentially, as we just briefly touched on, an EIN serves as a distinct designation, separating your business entity from your personal finances.

  • You can apply only for 1 EIN per day, whether online or by phone, mail or fax.
  • Should his store become busy and require Subhash to hire other employees, he will also require an EIN to pay his staff.
  • Securing an EIN is a necessary step to establishing your business and will ultimately help in keeping your regulatory, legal and financial matters in order.
  • You will receive your EIN immediately upon successful submission.
  • Having an EIN demonstrates that a business is properly registered and authorized to operate.
  • This includes corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies that elect S corp or C corp taxation, and multiple-member LLCs taxed as partnerships.


EINs are commonly used by employers for the purpose of reporting taxes. The number is made up of nine digits and is formatted as XX-XXXXXXX. Businesses can apply for EINs directly through the IRS, which usually issues them immediately. First of all, with the EIN number, you will be able to file the tax returns easily with the IRS. In fact, all the business finances done by your LLC will be supervised with the EIN only, and hence, this will allow you to file the taxes properly without a miss.

ein number meaning

Cancel Business Licenses and Permits

ein number meaning

Our mission is to bring you «Small business success … delivered daily.» Additionally, inquiring with a credit bureau accounting may also provide insight into the business’s EIN. Julia Kagan is a financial/consumer journalist and former senior editor, personal finance, of Investopedia. A Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) is an identification number used by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in the administration of tax laws. It is issued either by the Social Security Administration (SSA) or by the IRS. A Social Security number (SSN) is issued by the SSA whereas all other TINs are issued by the IRS.

Why Should the LLC Get the EIN?

  • To do so, Subhash logged on to the IRS website and entered his personal and business information.
  • You can get an EIN for your business, tax-exempt organization or other entity free directly from the IRS in minutes.
  • An employer identification number (EIN) is a nine-digit number assigned by the IRS.
  • These records may be needed for future reference or audits (you’ll need to maintain these records for a minimum of 10 years).
  • Once the procedures are completed, you can move on to the filing process of the EIN.
  • An SSN’s format is xxx-xx-xxxx, while an EIN’s format is xx-xxxxxxx.

This content is not legal advice, it is the expression of the author and has not been ein number meaning evaluated by LegalZoom for accuracy or changes in the law. Unlock the potential of your business with special offers from LegalZoom’s trusted partners. Discover a wide range of services, from business banking and insurance to websites and payment systems. Let LegalZoom’s partners help you turn your big idea into a big business. They do not expire, and the IRS will not cancel an EIN, even upon the dissolution of a business.

  • Understanding what an EIN is and how to get one is one of the first steps a new business owner should take.
  • An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is a unique nine-digit number issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in the United States.
  • You don’t need a new EIN to change your business name, address or responsible party.
  • You can fax a completed Form SS-4 to the appropriate fax number (you can find this number on the IRS website or by calling the IRS).
  • However, obtaining an EIN may still be beneficial as it can help protect against identity theft and enhances the professional image of the business.
  • Using an EIN instead of your Social Security Number (SSN) for business transactions helps protect your personal identity.

Valid EINs

ein number meaning

An EIN and a TIN (Taxpayer Identification Partnership Accounting Number) are both identification numbers used for tax purposes, but they serve different types of entities and have distinct purposes. We described an EIN number above, but let’s break down TIN numbers next. An EIN serves as a reference/anchor point for government agencies to help them track and verify a business’s compliance with regulations. Without it, businesses may find themselves at risk of penalties, audits, and legal challenges. The numbers never expire, and the same number set is never reissued to another business, even if the original employer goes out of business.

ein number meaning

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